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Delmarva Power History

The evolution of Delmarva Power started in the early 20 century during the period of frenzied acquisition and expansion by public utility holding companies. Founded on April 23, 1909 as a small, independent company originally known as the American Power Company, it supplied power and provided transmission lines in the neighboring state of Delaware to the areas around Delaware City, New Castle, and Wilmington. The company prospered, increased its number of customers, and by 1925 it was taken over by the American Electric Power Company (itself a holding company controlled by Electric Bond & Shares Co.) At the time, American Electric Power also controlled several street railways with their own power plants and other electric utilities in the Wilmington, DE area. By the mid-1920s, street railway traffic was falling, and most street railway companies found that more of their profits came from the sale of electric power to businesses and residential customers.

In 1927, following a series of stock swaps and reorganizations, American Electric Power handed over nearly all its Delaware street railway and utility companies to the United Gas Improvement Co (UGI) of Philadelphia. In 1928, UGI took over the Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) and Conowingo Power of Maryland. UGI also reorganized the gas and electric utilities from its newly acquired of street railway companies. By the end of the year, UGI merged Wilmington Light and Power Co., The Wilmington City Electric Co, New Castle County Electric Co, Seaboard Electric Co. and Wilmington Automatic Telephone Co. into American Power Company and then changed its name to Delaware Power & Light. UGI then place this new company under the control of its transit subsidiary, Delaware Electric Power Company.

The Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 prohibited electric utilities from operating transit systems. So, in 1941, UGI sold off its street railway operations to comply with the law. The Delaware Electric Power Company changed to Delaware Coach Company and stuck with the transit business. This left Delaware Power and Light Co. free to transform itself into an independent investor owned utility. In October 1943, Delaware Power and Light Co acquired the Eastern Shore Public Service Company, uniting the utility's operations through out the Delmarva peninsula.

Following WWII, Delaware Power and Light expanded operations to serve a growing population. In 1966, the company changed its name to Delmarva Power & Light and then to Delmarva Power in 1972. In 1994, Delmarva Power bought Conowingo Power from PECO. When Pennsylvania and Maryland deregulated their electricity markets in the late 1990s, Delmarva Power & Light acquired Atlantic Energy, which owned Atlantic City Electric in New Jersey, to form Conectiv Power Delivery. Pepco Holdings acquired Conectiv in 2002, and reinstated Delmarva Power and Atlantic City Electric names. In April, 2014, Exelon acquired Pepco Holdings.

Now as part of the Exelon family of companies, Delmarva Power serves 203,000 Maryland customers. The company gives back to the communities it serves through charitable giving programs benefitting Maryland education, neighborhood development, culture, and the environment.

Delmarva Power Service Territory

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Delmarva Power serves 203,000 customers in some or all of the following eastern shore counties:

Caroline Cecil Dorchester Harford Kent
Queen Annes Somerset Talbot Wicomico Worcester

Delmarva Power serves these cities:

Cambridge Elkton Harve De Grace Port Deposit Salisbury

Shop for Delmarva Power electricity suppliers in your area.

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in Delmarva Power service area.

  1. Enter zip code.
  2. Select energy type.
  3. Choose "residential" or "business".
  4. Click "Shop for Rates".

You'll then get to see the listing of all the energy suppliers' plans available in your area, along with rates, term lengths, and links to more detail information.

Some Maryland utilities service territories overlap in some counties. If the tool reports that it has found more than one serving your zip code, don't worry! Just choose your local utility from those listed.

How to Start New Delmarva Power Service

Starting electricity service with Delmarva Power is fast and easy. Just visit the Delmarva Power web site and click on Start Service.

Customers should call the utility's Contact Center if they need their service turned on sooner.

Be ready to supply:

  • Service Address: The address where you want your service turned on or switched.
  • The start date for electricity service.
  • Personal Information: You will need your name, phone number, email address, SSN OR driver's license number, date of birth, and, for commercial customers, Tax ID.
  • Unfrozen Credit: If you have frozen your credit with any of the major credit agencies, you will need to have it temporarily unfrozen.

Will I Need to Pay a Deposit?

Maryland utilities check your credit worthiness before setting up an account and to determine whether you will need to pay a deposit. A utility can look at several factors:

  • Utility payment history for past two years.
  • The current payment status of your utility accounts.
  • Service disconnections in the past year.
  • Number of late payments in past 12 months (more than two).

  • A utility can can also ask for proof of:

    • Continuous employment for three years with one employer;
    • Ownership of the service address.

    If you must pay a deposit -- Maryland law states that deposits cannot be greater than an estimated 2 1/2 months of usage.

    The deposit will be due with your first month's bill. However, customers don't need to pay the deposit all at once. The deposit can be billed in up to three installments. The monthly deposit installments are added to your bill for the first three months.

    The utility must return deposits plus interest for residential service after one year if:

    • The customer pays their bill in full and on time for 12 consecutive months;
    • Or the customer otherwise establishes credit.

    Understand Delmarva Power Distribution and Supply Charges

    In Maryland, your electric bill is composed of the electricity Distribution charges and the Supply charges.

    Distribution Charges consist of a flat customer charge per account and a distribution charge in cents per kWh for delivering electricity across the utility's local grid to a customer's home. All Delmarva Power's residential customers pay the same distribution rate no matter who supplies their electricity. The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) regulates distribution charges and these rates usually last several years before being reviewed.

    Electricity Supply Charges represent the cost for the electricity supplied in kWh by your utility or a retail supplier. Energy Choice charges from "alternative" or retail suppliers are listed on your bill under "Charges from Electric Generation Supplier".

    What is Delmarva Power Standard Offer Service (SOS)?

    Delmarva Power's Standard Offer Service (SOS) is a PSC-approved default rate for electricity generation supply if you don't want to shop for retail supplier. Also called the "Price to Compare" or PTC, this rate is a pass-through and represents the actual price Delmarva Power pays for the electricity.

    The price Delmarva Power pays breaks down into two principal pieces. First is the cost for the generated electricity. This is set during periodic supply auctions. The other piece is the cost of transmitting that generated high volatge electricity over the bulk power line grid to Delmarva Power's substation transformers for local distribution. Bulk transmission charges must be approved by the Maryland PSC.

    Periodic auctions for residential generation supply are held about usually twice a year in October and April. Rates are divided into summer and winter pricing. New SOS summer rates, usually higher, last from June 1 through September. Winter rates begin October 1 and last through May.

    • Because the SOS rate changes every 6 months, customers can use the SOS to compare prices with energy retailer plans to see which offers them better value for their needs.
    • Plus, because SOS rates are usually announced 12 months in advance, customers can also compare long term plan prices from retailers to save even more.

    The Current Delmarva Power SOS Rate

      Residential: 11.960 cents per kWh

      Expiration date: 5/31/2025

    Which Costs More? Delmarva Power SOS vs Energy Choice

    The EIA estimates that the average Maryland monthly usage rate is around 957 kWh. Therefore, the average Delmarva Power PTC bill roughly breaks down like this:

    Rate per 957 kWh Used Monthly Customer Charge Total
    PTC Supply Rate 11.960 cents 0 $114.46
    Monthly Distribution Charges $0.057718 (non-summer rate) $8.51 $63.75
    Total Bill $178.21

    Understand Maryland Energy Choice

    Maryland's electricity customers are free to choose a state certified retail electricity supplier. There are many different providers in Delmarva Power service area, offering a huge variety of plans at competitive rates.

    Certified retail suppliers compete with each other to buy cheap electricity on the wholesale markets so they can attract more consumers with the lowest rates. That way, residents can compare and shop to find the best deal that best suits for their needs. For this reason, Maryland retail electricity supplier rates are not controlled by PSC. While shopping for electricity may seem confusing, customers can use their utility's PTC to compare offers by certified retail electricity suppliers. This way you can more easily judge which are the cheapest rates.

    Shopping for the right electricity plan at the right rate is generally a straightforward process. But not everyone has the same needs. That's why retail electricity suppliers in Maryland offer two types of plans:

  • Fixed Electricity Rates are just plans where the price rate for the electricity doesn't change over the term of the contract. Different retail suppliers offer term plans from 3 to 36 months, meaning customers can count on stability and predictable monthly bills for months or years, depending on their preferences. However, early cancellation fees for breaking a contract could apply.

  • Variable Rates Don't want to commit to an electricity plan for months or years? You can choose a variable plan. Variable plan rates on these contracts can change from month to month depending on the price of electricity. So your rate could go up one month or down the next. However, these plans don't have any termination fees and this allows customers the flexibility to shop for new rates and switch to better deals without paying any penalty.
  • Understand Your Delmarva Power Electric Usage

    Your Delmarva Power usage affects your energy bills.

    While your electricity usage habits are unique to you, any Maryland native will tell you that winters can get chilly and snowy while summers can get oppressively hot and miserably humid.

  • Nearly half (42.2 %) of Maryland homes use electricity for space heating.
  • Over 90% of homes in the South Atlantic region of the U.S. have air conditioning. In Maryland, residents use an average of 12% of their total annual energy costs for air conditioning.
  • The remainder of eletricity use goes to refrigeration, lighting, electronics, clothes dryers, and small appliances.
  • Not sure how much electricity you really use? Delmarva Power customers can request up to 12 months of their electric usage plus other relevant information free of charge.

    The best way to cut your electricity bill is to reduce your usage:

  • Seal your doors and windows against winter and summer drafts. Not only does it keep out the cold or hot air but it also reduces the amount of mold, pollen, and other allergens getting into your home.
  • Add insulation to your attic, basement, and duct work.
  • Install a programmable or smart thermostat. Programming it to set-back the temperature when you're away or inactive can improve your home's energy efficiency and help cut your electric bills.

  • Your utility company can provide a wealth of resources and offers programs to help you improve your home's energy performance.

    Understanding Your Delmarva Power Bill

    Your Delmarva Power bill comes packed full with lots of information. Though these can be confusing to customers, they also help you better understand your usage and rate. Here is where we break down the most important items on a sample Delmarva Power electric bill.

    Understand Your Monthly Delmarva Power Electric Bill

    Understand Your Monthly Delmarva Power Electric Bill distribution charge

    Understand Your Monthly Delmarva Power Electric Bill supply charge

    • A & B: Bill Overview. It states the billing period, your service address and personal account number with Delmarva Power.

    • C: Delmarva Power Contact Information. Here you find out who to contact at Delmarva Power for customer support or emergencies.

    • D: Summary of Your Charges. This shows the balance from your last bill, the current total amount due, and the date that the bill is due.

    • E: Shows your usage history per bill over the course of the past year to help you compare your energy use over time and understand trends.

    • F: Payment Stub. Just detach and return with your payment. It also includes your account number, amount paid, amount due, and the due date.

    • Page Two -- G: Detail of Electric Charges. This shows the type of rate for the your service address, the meter number, and the meter data which includes the start and end dates, the number of days, and total kWh used.

    • H: Detail of Delivery Charges. Here you can find details about Delmarva Power's distribution charges which includes their delivery charge by kWh, the monthly customer charge, and any additional riders and taxes.

    • Page Three -- I: Electric Generation Supply Charges. This section shows infomation about the current Delmarva Power Price to Compare and your electricity supplier. Here you'll find the total supplier charges and a total sum of your electric charges due.

    • J: Your Daily Electric Use. The section breaks down your daily total electric use for the billing period. This can be very helpful when you're trying to compare nergy usage and weather.

    Delmarva Power Coupons, Energy Promotions, Discounts, Rebates and Promo Codes

    As your local utility, Delmarva Power offers few options and discounts available to help its customers save some money. Some programs offer money-saving incentives while others could make paying your monthly bills easier and may even help you qualify for a discounted electricity rate.

    Program Name Program Type Benefit
    Appliance and HVAC Rebates Program Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

    Maryland residential customers of Delmarva Power can now take advantage of rebates on the purchase of ENERGY STAR certified appliances and HVAC systems.

    • Appliances include energy-saving dish washers, powerstrips, dehumidifiers, pool pumps, water heaters and more with rebates from $30 to $700.
    • Earn up to $1,500 in rebates when you upgrade to energy efficient HVAC equipment through Delmarva's HVAC Efficiency Program.
    Appliance Turn-In Program Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

    Recycle your old working fridge or freezer and get $50. You can also receive a $25 rebate for an old, working room AC unit if picked up along with a qualifying fridge or freezer. Plus, you can save money on your electricity bill when you purchase a new ENERGY STAR?® appliance to replace it.

    • Must be an electric customer of Delmarva Power.
    • You must own the appliance(s)
    • Refrigerators and freezers must be 10 to 30 cu. ft. in size, empty, clean and free of mold, and operating (cooling) at the time of the scheduled pickup.
    Energy Efficient New Homes Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

    Delmarva Power is working closely with area builders who are constructing energy-efficient homes that deliver more than just energy savings.

    Delmarva Power identifies an energy-efficient home as one that is 30% more efficient than a code-built home (2009 IECC). Entire new homes can also receive the ENERGY STAR certification. Energy efficient homes not only reduce energy costs but also increase comfort. Homes qualified through the ENERGY STAR New Homes Program achieve energy efficiency through established, reliable building techniques.

    Home Energy Assessment Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

    Delmarva Power customers can sign up for an in-person or virtual Energy Assessment of their home. Assessments only take 1 to 2 hours and cost just $49. A certified energy auditor will:

    • inspect your home and identify areas where you may be wasting energy
    • Install energy-saving products at no additional cost.
    • Make recommendations for upgrades that can save energy and qualify for rebates.
    Lighting Discounts Energy Efficiency Rebate Program

    Delmarva Power customers can take advantage of instant discounts on the purchase of qualified ENERGY STAR?® certified bulbs from approved retailers or the Delmarva Home Energy Savings website.

    Delmarva Power Payment Arrangements Bill payment assistance

    Delmarva Power offers payment arrangements to allow residential customers to pay their account balance in monthly installments. These installments are billed along with your current monthly charges and both must be paid on time, in full each month in order for you to stay on your payment arrangement.

    • Payment arrangements are based on the amount of the balance, income, household size, and your history with prior payment arrangements.
    • Residential customers whose main source of total household income is from government or other low-income entitlement programs can enroll in the Extended Payment Date Plan. This plan extends the bill's due date without a late charge.
    • Contact customer service or sign up online.
    Delmarva Gift of Energy Bill payment assistance

    You can make a payment toward a friend or family member's Delmarva bill. Your gift will appear on a future bill as a credit to the recipient's Delmarva bill.

    Good Neighbor Energy Fund Bill payment assistance

    The Good Neighbor Energy Fund is designed to help customers who are facing hardships. You can help paying exactly $1.00 over your Delmarva Power bill amount. That dollar will be contributed to the Good Neighbor Energy Fund.

    Low Income Energy Efficiency Program (LIEEP) Residential Energy Efficiency

    Maryland's EmPOWER Program helps eligible Delmarva Power customers to reduce their electric bills through home weatherization and conservation with installation of materials and equipment at no charge.

    Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) Bill payment assistance

    Through the Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP), MEAP is a federally-funded program (known nationally as "LIHEAP") that helps low-income households with their home energy bills. The program is available to eligible customers whose income is 175% of the Federal Poverty Level or below.

    Utility Service Protection Program (USPP) Bill payment assistance

    Customers who qualify for MEAP may qualify for the Utility Service Protection Program (USPP). Customers receive an electric bill for the same amount each month throughout the year. The USPP program helps qualified low-income households stay connected and pay off their past-due utility bills.

    Arrearage Retirement Assistance Bill payment assistance

    The Maryland Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) offers grants to customers with large, past due electric and gas bills.

  • Customers must have a past due bill of $300 or greater to be considered eligible.
  • Customers may receive a grant for up to $2,000 towards their past due bill.
  • Limit is one grant every five years.
  • Good Neighbor Energy Fund Bill payment assistance

    The Good Neighbor Energy Fund is designed to help customers who are facing hardships. Delmarva Power customers can contribute by donating no more than $1 over their month energy bill. Customer contributions are matched, $1 for every $1 collected by Delmarva Power??"up to $100,000.

    Electric Universal Service Protection (EUSP) Bill payment assistance

    EUSP is a grant for electricity assistance.

    • The amount due for your current bills is spread out evenly over a 12-month period.
    • Customers must enroll in budget billing or "Average Payment Plan".
    • Contact your Local Home Energy Program Office for more information.

    Delmarva Power Reviews

    Because Delmarva Power serves a mid-sized market, knowing how well it ranks among other similar-sized utilities can tell you a lot about how well it serves its customers. Delmarva Power is accredited with the BBB and the utility is very well rated in Escalent's 2021 Utility Trusted Brand & Customer Engagement™: Residential study. It is also ranked third in J.D. Power's 2020 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study.

    MD Energy Ratings Better Business Bureau Escalent 2021 Utility Study J.D. Power 2020
    N/A accredited,
    A+ rating
    of 1000 pts
    of 1000 pts

    How do I get the Cheapest Delmarva Power Rate?

    Shopping for a new Energy Choice Plan can feel confusing at first. But, there are 3 things you should have with you when you shop for electricity:

    1. Your current bill. Your past usage per billing period can help you estimate a how much a plan might cost you each month.
    2. The current Delmarva Power SOS rate and expiration date. You can use Delmarva Power SOS to quickly compare retail supplier offers to shop for a better electricity rate. You can choose the utility's rate but remember that changes seasonally.
    3. Your Delmarva Power account number. Your 11 digit account number is at the top of your bill. Having this handy lets you sign up with an alternative electricity supplier right away.

    Before you start shopping, there's some final last details you also need to understand ahead of time:

    Who bills me? Delmarva Power sends a single bill that outlines and add up your monthly charges.

    What are the Terms of Service? The Terms of Service explain and identify specific charges and any fees a customer will face when they sign up for an electricity plan. Many suppliers offer different rates for plans with different term lengths. All Maryland electricity customers should read and understand the terms of service and contract summary for any plan they are interested in before they sign on to the plan.

    What are early termination fees? Switching retail suppliers before a contract ends can involve paying early termination fees. These can bite you if you want to switch retail providers before your electricity plan contract ends.

    Read Delmarva Power Customer Reviews

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    Electricity Out? Wires Down? Here's Who You Contact...

    Having a problem with your electricity service? Here's the proper people to call:

    Delmarva Power Billing Problems

    If you have trouble paying your monthly bill call Delmarva Power's Customer Service: 1-800-375-7117. You can learn what options you have. Be sure to have your account number ready. You can also apply for payment methods online through your Delmarva Power account.

    One-time Payment Delay If you having trouble paying your bill and are not facing a pending disconnection and have not have defaulted on a Payment Arrangement in the last 12 months, you may qualify for One-time Payment Delay. This allows you to delay paying your current Delmarva Power bill for 30 days. Note that delaying your current due date does not affect the due date of future bills. Therefore, your One-time Payment Delay may fall close to your next due date. To find out more, log into your Delmarva Power MyAccount.

    Consider the Budget Billing Plan: If you are constantly blind-sided by seasonally high bills, Delmarva Power's Budget Billing spreads your costs evenly month to month by charging a pre-arranged amount with each bill. This ensures that customers aren't presented with unexpectedly high bills at peak-usuage times of the year.

    In the Dark?

    You can report outages or downed powerlines in your area by calling 1-800-898-8042. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    You can also report an outage on-line by logging into MyAccount.

    All power transmission lines are extremely dangerous! Never attempt to move a downed power line by yourself. Call 911 and then notifiy Delmarva Power!

    What!? There's still no power?

    You can track outage repairs throughout Delmarva Power service area on this map.

    Latest Delmarva Power News  

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